About Us

Pediatric Sleep Consulting

Michele's Story

Michele is a therapist and licensed clinical social worker. When she was pregnant, everyone told her, "get sleep now because you're never going to sleep again". She was terrified that she wouldn't be able to be the best mom, wife, sister, daughter and therapist without sleep.  Her first daughter slept through the night early, but wouldn't go to sleep without being fed. At about 14 months, this became unsustainable. 

Michele made the decision to sleep train her daughter. The frustrations quickly melted and Michele was able to enjoy bedtime without the fear that the transfer to the crib would wake up her daughter. 

Fast forward to January 2025, Michele was on maternity leave and decided to make a career out of sleep training!

Michele is committed to bridging together the impact that healthy sleep habits have on mental health, and vice versa. 

Michele is committed to bridging together the impact that healthy sleep habits have on mental health, and vice versa. Having poor sleep can lead to anxiety, depression, and difficulty managing moods. This goes for both the child and parents. By being able to get a full night of sleep, everyone can show up in the morning as the best version of themselves. 

Michele personally knows all too well how frustrating not having enough sleep can be. She considers sleep her "favorite activity"!
Some other personal interests include:
-Binge watching Netflix shows 
-Trying new restaurants 
-Going to the movies 
-Exploring little towns 
-Spending time outside when the weather is a perfect 68-79 degrees
-Visiting with her twin sister, nephew, and brother
-Spending time with her own little family, which consists of her husband, two daughters, and dog!

Here's How I Can Help

Book a 15 minute introductory call to learn what sleep training truly is, and if we can be a good fit for you and your family. 

Are you looking for a slight change in your little one's sleep routine but not yet ready to commit to 2 weeks? 

Are you questioning if a full night of sleep is possible?   It is!

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